Occupational Safety & Health

OSH Software

BRIO’s behavior-based safety management program is one of the most effective methodologies to control the frequency of accidents, thus allowing the generation of an ideal environment to modify the safety culture in any work environment. We know how tedious it is often to carry out document management, which is why our technological solution seeks to reduce manual records as much as possible, since they could lead to errors. We adjust our software to the reality of the company, making work much easier.

With BRIO OSH Management, companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs and ensure compliance with workplace safety regulations.

Work permits

BRIO Digital Work Permits are an advanced solution in labor safety management. This service allows companies and organizations to request, manage and monitor work permits in real time through a secure and easy-to-use online platform.

  • Status and monitoring
  • Process traceability
  • Remote approvals
  • Job geolocation
  • Custom Workflows
  • Inspections
  • Medical verification
  • KPI's
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At BRIO we automate repetitive tasks and decision-making processes, which reduces response time and increases the efficiency of emergency management, improving communication between the different parties involved in emergency management, allowing a more coordinated response. and effective. The software can send real-time alerts to emergency teams, local authorities and anyone affected by the emergency, enabling a quick and coordinated response.

  • Emergency equipment checklist
  • Records of brigade interventions
  • Evacuation drills
  • Management of evacuation leaders and brigade members
  • Fire network control
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PPE delivery

The provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential to guarantee the safety of workers in any work environment. However, it can be challenging to properly manage the delivery and tracking of PPEs. BRIO software helps automate and streamline the process by providing the following benefits: Maintaining accurate inventory control, ensuring there is always enough PPE available for all workers. Accurate tracking of which workers received which PPEs, when they received them, and when they need to be replaced through alerts. The software can also perform risk analysis to identify hazards in the workplace and determine what PPE is needed to minimize risks.

In short, the use of Brio software can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PPE delivery, which can improve worker safety in any work environment.

  • PPE requests
  • Stock control
  • Authorizations
  • Records s/ SRT Resolution 299/11
  • Risk profiles
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Incident Management

Incident investigation is a critical part of any occupational health and safety program. Proper incident investigation can help identify root causes and the necessary preventive measures to avoid future incidents. For effective incident investigation, use our BRIO intelligent security software that can help in the following aspects:

Incident Log: Workers can log incidents and accidents online, and the software can notify relevant managers and supervisors so they can launch an investigation immediately.

Data Management: Software can help manage and analyze incident data, allowing managers and supervisors to perform trend analysis and make informed decisions based on accurate data.

Root Cause Analysis: The software can help incident investigators perform root cause analysis, which can identify the underlying causes of an incident. Investigators can document their findings and recommendations to prevent future incidents.

Corrective Action Tracking: Software can help track corrective actions that are recommended and taken to address the underlying causes of incidents. This can help ensure that proper preventative measures are taken to prevent future similar incidents.

  • Incident upload and tracking
  • Research by different methods
  • Corrective actions by hierarchy of controls
  • KPI's Severity and Gravity among others
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Scheduled tasks

Scheduled task management is an important part of any occupational health and safety program. Scheduled tasks include activities such as safety inspections, equipment preventative maintenance, training, and other safety checks that must be performed regularly in the workplace. BRIO will be able to assist you in the following ways: 1) Task Scheduling – Scheduling specific security tasks on the calendar, which can help ensure they are completed regularly and in a timely manner. The software can send automatic reminders to responsible workers or managers to ensure tasks are completed on time. 2) Assignment of tasks: The software can assign specific tasks to the workers or teams responsible for performing them. This can help ensure that tasks are completed by the right people and that those responsible can be traced.
3) Task Tracking: The software can track the progress of scheduled tasks, which can help ensure they are completed on time and properly. Managers can use the software to view progress and ensure that all scheduled tasks are completed.

  • Deviation detection and task monitoring.
  • Corrective actions
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Reports, KPI's and dashboards

BRIO can provide a wide range of reports and charts to help organizations manage their security programs effectively and make informed decisions on how to improve workplace security. through graphs and indicators you will be able to obtain statistics and obtain reports of incidents, trends, compliance and different graphs developed in a clear and concise manner.

  • Graphics
  • Indicators
  • Statistics
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Customization of job listing and job detail

Through the BRIO platform you will be able to see the jobs in a personalized way in lists, or on the floor plan to know in which location each job is being carried out.

  • Job listing cards
  • Floor plan
  • Work detail
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Behavioral observations

With BRIO you will be able to carry out periodic and systematic observations of the behavior of people in your work environment. You will be able to carry them out spontaneously or on a scheduled basis and obtain KPIs to be able to evaluate the statistics that guarantee the best development of occupational health and safety in your company.

  • Spontaneous observations
  • Scheduled observations
  • KPI's
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Do you still doubt?

Improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with workplace safety regulations.Extends the life of your critical equipment andEnsures that your facility is clean and safefor your employees and customers.All this while ensuring that you meet the quality standards required in your industry.